Secondhand Ableton Push

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Second-hand Ableton Push for sale

The Ableton Push 2 is the controller created and designed by Ableton, designed for Ableton Live and squeeze the most out of this popular DAW, manufactured by Akai. It is the second version of the Ableton Push, which in addition to having a renewed design compared to the first edition, makes it easier to create beats and produce music without the need to be constantly looking at the computer. It features a high-resolution RGB color display and 64 backlit, velocity- and pressure-sensitive pads. Both the display and the pads surprise users of this controller in a very positive way. In fact, Ableton also relied on none other than Akai to manufacture the Push, so the quality of the hardware is more than assured. In short, if you are looking for a controller for Ableton Live with which you can play or sequence beats and notes or chords, cut and manipulate samples, launch clips or perform live, there will be other midi and DAW controllers that you can use, but none with the performance and features of the Ableton Push 2.

Buy a used Ableton Push 2 online

If you buy your Ableton Push 2 on Sounds Market, not only will it be much cheaper than if you bought it new, but you will also be able to try it before deciding whether to keep it or not. That's how easy and safe it is to buy and sell second hand on Sounds Market, the specialized and safest platform for music producers, DJs and all kinds of musicians. In addition, if the seller includes Ableton Live with the purchase of a Push, we take care of managing the license transfer between the two. If instead of buying, what you have in mind is to sell your used Ableton Push, upload now your ad on our website: it's free, easy, simple, we manage the shipping and we don't charge you commission for selling.