Secondhand Akai

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Moog Subsequent 37 CV Paraphonic Synth Ed limitada - Image
Moog Subsequent 37 CV Paraphonic Synth Ed limitada It includes a transparent gift case (valued at € 60), very useful for correct conservation. The 37® CV subsequent is a limited editing redesign of the Ultra -Potrapote Analog Sub 37 Tribute Edition synthesizer. Production is limited to 2000 units worldwide (mine is No. 0719). It is a piece of collector. Each instrument is made with affection for employees and owners of Moog. These units are difficult to find and are no longer manufactured. This wonderful paraphonic analog synthesizer Moog Subsequent 37 hp goes in its original packaging with power cable. Used very occasionally in a smoke -free study, in perfect operation. See any questions you have. ---------------------- Subsequent 37® CV: With a pair of solid aluminum sides with American noble wood inlays and fixed to a robust steel and aluminum housing, it has four assignable CV outlets and two assignable GATE outputs for interconnection with large -format modular systems and Eurorack, an improved keyboard for a better interpretation, a high power headphones amplifier for live monitoring and a modified analog signal route. - Analog sound engine - Single or paraphonic selectable polyphony (possibility of polyientation) - 37 postpression semicontrapexested keyboard - LCD LCD of 128 x 64 pixels with white backlight -Controllers: Pitch Bend, modulation wheel, postpression, speed - Sound sources: 2 variable waveform oscillators, 1 square wave wave subscroscator, 1 analog noise generator, 1 external input/filter feedback - Oscillator calibration range: 22 Hz - 6.8 kHz. Range of notes at 8 ’: 18 - 116 - Glide module: assign to OSC1/OSC2/both. Type: CSF, LCT, Exp, Gated, Legato. Duplicate the headroom, more multidrive than sub 37 and with 6 assignable exits.

Second-hand Akai music equipment for sale

Buy all second-hand Akai brand instruments and studio equipment with complete peace of mind much cheaper than new. Akai is a Japanese brand well known to all music producers. In fact, the Akai division dedicated to the manufacture and sale of electronic musical instruments is called Akai Professional, and was created in 1984. Since its inception, Akai has been widely recognized for synthesizers and sequencers such as the MPC series, a line of drum machines (groovebox) , where the Akai MPC 3000 especially stands out. Today, some of the most popular models of the Japanese brand are the Akai MPC One or the Akai Force, and among its most accessible products we also find two of its top sellers such as the Akai APC 40 Mk2 (it also has its Akai APC Mini version) and, of course, the best-selling midi keyboard in the world, the small Akai MPK Mini, with only 25 keys and less than 1 Kg of weight.

Buy online used Akai keyboards and grooveboxes

Whatever Akai equipment you are interested in (MPC Live, MPC One, MPK Mini , Akai APC 40…), it is best to buy it second hand. Why? Very simple: it's cheaper, you contribute to the environment by giving a second life to another product instead of having to manufacture a new one and, thanks to platforms specialized in buying and selling music production equipment such as Sounds Market, you can do it completely safe and very comfortable. It is no coincidence that Sounds Market is the most highly rated trading platform by its customers. Specialization, professionalism, shipments adapted to very fragile packages such as a second-hand Akai MPC, and software license transfer management make Sounds Market the ideal place to buy or sell, for example, a second-hand Akai midi keyboard. Don't think twice, take a leap in quality in your studio and buy your next Akai on the specialized buying and selling platform for musicians, producers and DJs.

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