Sony MDR 7506

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Second-hand Sony MDR 7506

Sony is undoubtedly one of the largest (if not the largest) manufacturers of audio equipment on the market. Since its foundation in 1946 (Japan), it has sold millions of audio products all over the world, becoming a major reference in the sector (together with other reference brands such as Sennheiser, Pioneer or Audio-Technica). Headphones are only one of the production branches of the Japanese giant, but it is certainly one of the most successful. Sony headphones offer quality at prices adapted to a wide range of budgets. The MDR 7506 is a clear example of quality at a reasonable price, and even new headphones are often priced under €100. If this is too much, in Sounds Market you can buy second hand Sony MDR-7506 cheaper than new and with the peace of mind and confidence of our secure method of buying and selling between individuals, thanks to which you can steal the product received during 48 hours before the money is transferred to the seller. At the same time, if you are the seller you can send your MDR 7506 with the peace of mind that the buyer has already made the payment in advance and therefore there is no risk of fraud in that sense.

Sony MDR-7506 review

The Sony MDR 7506 headphones are large, closed, circumaural studio headphones with noise cancelling, surround sound and great acoustic performance and features (Frequency range 10 - 20,000 Hz, impedance 63 Ohm). They also have a foldable construction for maximum comfort. This makes the MDR 7506 a great choice for DJs, producers or even for your home studio. If you have any doubts about their quality, their ratings speak for themselves, but our recommendation is that if you want to buy studio headphones with good value for money, don't hesitate and search for Sony MDR 7506 on Sounds Market for second-hand ads.

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