Second-hand Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX

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Second-hand Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX for sale

Sounds Market is the specialized marketplace in buying and selling DJ equipment between individuals: we manage door-to-door shipments in a totally secure way and we transfer software licenses from the seller to the buyer . In addition, we are the second-hand page best valued by its customers. Don't think twice, and whether you want to buy and sell a used Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX, trust Sounds Market. As a buyer, we will send it to your home so that you can test it and verify that everything is in order (if not, we will refund your money). And as a seller: posting an ad is very simple, it only takes a couple of minutes, and when someone buys your second-hand Numark Platinum, we'll take care of everything: we'll pick it up at your house, we'll take it to the buyer's house, we'll deposit the money for the sale in your bank account, and we will not charge you commission. Buying a second-hand Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX has never been so cheap, easy and safe as it is now thanks to Sounds Market!

Buy a used Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX online

The Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX and the Numark Mixtrack Pro FX could seem to be very similar DJ controllers, but the reality is that the Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX has two very useful features that the Numark Mixtrack Pro does not have, and consequently that is why also the price of the Mixtrack Platinum is slightly higher. Unlike the Numark Mixtrack Pro FX, the Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX has LED displays in the center of both jog wheels and also allows mixing for four decks. Both are, however, very good options for beginner DJs who want to start in the world of DJing with a quality DJ controller that is at the same time affordable and easy to use. Of course, you can buy it cheaper than anywhere else and completely safely at Sounds Market!

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