Secondhand Pioneer DJ DJM 900NXS

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Buy used Pioneer DJM 900 Nexus 2 online

Find on Sounds Market, the specialized secondhand marketplace for DJ, the best offers and deals on one of the most desired DJ mixers ever, the one and only Pioneer DJM-900 (or its most recent versions: Pioneer DJ DJM 900 NXS and Pioneer DJ DJM 900 Nexus 2).

We count on a totally secure online payment method, which allows the buyer to test his purchase at home and, if there’s any trouble or it’s not in the same conditions that the seller wrote on his listing, he/she will be refunded.

As a seller, listing an item on Sounds Market is very easy, fast, safe and, for sure, totally free. List now your used Pioneer DJM 900 mixer for sale on Sounds Market, or find your next DJ equipment on our platform and send an offer for it! We are rated by our users as the best second hand marketplace, so there’s nothing to be afraid about.

All you need to know about the Pioneer DJ DJM 900 NXS 2

The DJM-900 Nexus 2 is a 4-channel professional DJ mixer. With four channels and a high-quality hardware features, it’s the most common standard DJ on professional cabins, where it perfectly matches with professional DJ players like the Pioneer CDJ 2000 Nexus 2, or even a pair of Pioneer CDJ-3000.

Its price is not affordable for everyone (please take into consideration that it’s professional DJ equipment what we are talking about), unless you decide to buy a second-hand Pioneer DJM-900 NXS2 mixer. If you decide so, you have to do it on the right place, which is Sounds Market, the specialized secondhand marketplace for DJ, producers and musicians.

Join now our community of thousands of DJ buying and selling DJ equipment online, it has never been that easy thanks to Sounds Market and our secure online payment and logistic method!

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