Pioneer DJ DDJ REV1
Second-hand Pioneer DJ DDJ REV1
If you want to buy the cheap second hand Pioneer DDJ-REV1 you won't find a better website than Sounds Market, as it specialises in buying and selling musical instruments and DJ equipment, providing a secure purchase and door-to-door delivery. It is the best rated website for musicians and DJs, as both buyer and seller can not be scammed as is happening on other buying and selling platforms. When the buyer makes the payment, Sounds Market holds the money securely until the seller sends the product and the buyer verifies that everything works correctly as specified in the advert. The seller can rest assured that he will be paid in full, as he will not be charged any commission on the sale. Buying second hand is the best option when we are looking for a better price and we want to contribute to a circular and sustainable economy.
What are the features and price of the Pioneer DDJ REV1?
A new controller from Pioneer has arrived for all scratching enthusiasts. The DDJ-REV1 is not an all-in-one, but we will need the computer to be able to play. At the moment it can be used with Serato DJ Pro, four decks and a large pad area. With this new approach to scratching, the jogs are not motorised like those of the DDJ-REV7 but are slightly larger than those of the DDJ-SB3 and DDJ-400. The design of this controller emulates what would be a given configuration for the famous DJM mixing consoles and PLX turntables. The DDJ-REV1 is priced at approximately 299 euros, depending on where you buy it. On Sounds Market you can find the Pioneer DDJ-REV1 at the best price, whether you are looking for new or second-hand.