Pioneer DJ DDJ REV7
Second-Hand Pionneer DJ REV7
To buy the cheap second hand DDJ-REV7 controller from the safest website for buying and selling musical instruments and DJ equipment, all you have to do is enter Sounds Market, the best rated website by musicians and DJs. To buy securely we have an escrow payment system, where the money is held until the seller sends you the product and you verify that everything works correctly and that there are no defects not mentioned in the description of the ad. There are certain advantages to buying second-hand DJ equipment; the first is that we can buy any product much cheaper than new and in very good condition, and on the other hand we will be promoting the circular economy and sustainability. As a seller, you will be able to sell all the items you want without paying any commission and we will be available to advise you at all times, both to resolve any doubts you may have about the buying and selling process and the packaging of the item. We will also help you to manage the transfer of warranties and software licenses.
Price and features of the Pionneer DJ REV7
You could define the Pioneer DDJ-REV7 as the upgrade of the DDJ-REV1 controller. Here we have motorised vinyl jogs, 3.5-inch colour screens in the centre, two channels and 22 built-in beat FX. The design of the central part reminds us of the famous DJM-S7 and DJM-S11 mixers and the turntable area of the PLX-500 or PLX-1000 mixers. It also works with Serato DJ Pro and if we want to extend it with scratch control we will have to pay for the Serato DVS upgrade. The Pioneer DDJ-REV7 controller can be purchased for approximately 2099 euros. On the other hand, there is also the possibility to buy the DDJ-REV7 for a much lower price if you are looking for a second-hand controller.